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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Monday, October 20, 2014

Relativity Proof

  Have you ever asked yourself how did they prove that Einstein was right ?!

Okay, I'm going to tell you, but just stick with me till the end of the article.
After Einstein had finished the theoretical part, he wanted to examine who correct he was. So he sent the papers of his theory to England and Eddington (The best measuring man in England these days) saw them and Einstein said in his sent paper that his theory can be examined only during eclipse.
Because he wanted to examine the most important part in his theory which was the (Space-Time Plan), so he wanted to see that if it really exist as he assumes or not.
According to Eins' theory, Bodies makes a gap or a shape in the Space-Time Plan, so if this was right! then, the light of stars near to the sun will bend according to the gap that the sun makes.
Eddington realized the solution. Observe during a total eclipse, when the Sun’s light is blotted out for a few minutes, and you can see distant stars that appear close to the Sun in the sky. If Einstein was right, the Sun’s gravity would shift these stars to slightly different positions, compared to where they are seen in the night sky at other times of the year when the Sun far away from them. The closer the star appears to the Sun during totality, the bigger the shift would be.
And the miracle happened and Einstein was right! There was a gap between the position of the light coming from the stars!

Resources :-
Einstein and Eddington movie
http://ircamera.as.arizona.edu/NatSci102/NatSci102/text/lightbend.htmsobral2.jpg (31937 bytes)

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