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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Never Give Up !

Never give up." You can consider these words as just eleven letter, another one can see them as 3 
words, and another one will consider them as a wise words consists of 11 letter
; will consider them valuable, as experience from past people or even as a way of living. You
Also should know and believe in these words. You can't just give up for any thing you can't do. You will say in yourself I can't do it but the true is that u didn't even try to do it , or tried to learn or search how to do it, you simply say I can' do it, I give up. However, after a matter of time long was or short, but definitely someone will get the same idea that you had once before and gave it up, but he will try , he will learn and he will not give up; then he definitely will get it, will reach what you couldn't reach and left it. That thing could may an invention, a theory, a project, or even a game but what in common of all these things is that they all are going to change something in the way people live and simply you didn't want to help them with your idea because you gave up ! .

Once I had an experience that really taught me these wise words. I was in a competition, robotics competition, the expected time to finish the task was 3 months but we had only 4 days. 4 days with a kit not capable to make it, 4 days with non-experience in such field, 4 days to finish the task and join the competition. We had worked 24 hours a day till the competition day. The robot was not working well, we would love to sleep any minute. We were against powerful teams that took the full 3 months working with the needed experience and people to help them. So we were kind of sure that we are going to lose without even 1 point. But in the competition field there was a surprise , a surprise rule that was new to all the participants then the countdown was start over an hour for all the participants equally. So we had the chance to win to even compete with others. We worked this our hard and tried many times till the competition began, after 3 hours of competing it's done. We took the second place over 9 teams. We had the chance and we took it , we didn't give up, we tried hard, and we won. That's how life is keep trying as long as you have the chance, as long as there's hope, as long as you are not dead yet.

Never lose hope and Never give up.   :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

هل البسمة تورث ^_^ ؟؟

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

البسمة دي احسن حاجة ممكن يمتلكها الانسان .. البسمة ممكن تخليك مبسوط لو زعلان , ممكن تفك همومك , ممكن تخليك تشوف حاجات مش شايفها , ممكن تخليك تحل مشاكل انت مستصعبها 
انت لما بتضحك الضحمة بترسل اشارات للمخ بتخليها يبتهج ويبدا يشتغل بطريقة احسن مما يخليك بتحل معادلات وحاجات ممكن

Sunday, November 9, 2014

جولة في عالم الأوهام

نهي مجدي هي كاتبة صغيرة في السن .. أعطتني كتاباتها حتي أنشرها علي المدونة .. أتمني أن تنال اعجابكم .. تابعونا باستمرار لمتابعة أحداث القصة.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Organization Committees

كل يوم هناخد لجنة معينة في اي منظمة ونبدا نتكلم عن شغلها وايه الوظايف اللي ممكن يعملها .. وايه الصفات اللي بتتوفر في المتقدم في هذه اللجنة !

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

شرح مبسط لدرس احترام الوقت الصف الثاني الثانوي

Polar Habitat

The extreme Arctic climate makes the region a forbidding place to travel and a challenging place to live. Even so, people have found ways to explore and live in the Arctic. Indigenous peoples have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years. Explorers, adventurers, and researchers have also ventured into the Arctic to explore its unique environment and geography.
In the winter, cold Arctic temperatures and extreme wind chills make it dangerous to venture outdoors without proper clothing and gear. Strong storms can make travel difficult. And heating a home can be challenging and expensive without trees to cut for firewood. However, people have found ways to adapt, survive, and thrive in the Arctic.
We have several kinds of inhabitance in Arctic:-
  • Native People
  • Arcitc Explorers
  • People in the Modern Arctic

Monday, November 3, 2014

Science and Technology in India

When I say the word India what first comes to your mind? … 
Okay that was expected :D food, dancing and Shahrukh Khan :D :D
Okay …. :D
I’m going to talk about science and Technology in India. India has lots of recent developments in the Telecommunications area. As it is the second largest in the world based on the total number of telephone users (both fixed and mobile phone).

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